Your Membership App
Active World Logo Update
Our membership portal, Active World, has a new look! Your app now has a new logo, but there are no changes to the way you use it.

We believe all our members health & fitness journey should be powered by innovative technology. The Active World app was specifically designed to improve your experience with us! The app will give you greater control of your membership and our programs offered in Centre!
The Active World app allows you to link your family memberships to manage from the once account and will give you greater visibility of your progress and achievements when visiting us!
Our staff are here to help! Active World is built to improve communication with our team – so if you need us, we are a click of a button away to start chatting!
Download the app today to get started and bring your membership into the palm of your hand!
Your Active World self-managed portal will allow you to:
Buy a Season Pass
Scan in using a digital access card – for when you forget your pass!
Book into your Group Fitness Classes
View upcoming classes
Send and receive messages to the Centre staff
Looking to join our community! WELCOME!
It's super easy to get you started!
1. Download the Active World App and select Sign Up
2. Use the facility code BELGRAVE
3. Create your quick access code – 4 digits
4. Now you're in!
5. Click Book/Buy - Select your preference
6. Follow the prompts to get started!
Watch this quick video on how to join!